Privacy policy.


This policy effective Feb 25th, 2022

We’re committed to protecting your privacy and collecting only the minimum amount of info needed to provide our software and services — referred to as “Services”. Your use of the Services indicates you agree to this policy and our terms of use.


Nothing in this policy contradicts the following statements:

1. We never collect personal info except to communicate with you, improve our Services and your experience.

2. We don’t sell your personal info to advertisers or other third parties.

3. We share your personal info only when legally required, or when reasonably necessary to prevent harm in an emergency situation.

Complete terms

As used in this policy, “Personal Info” is data that can identify a particular person. Aggregate data isn’t considered Personal Info.

1. Wanderdot never collects your Personal Info except to communicate with you, improve our Services and your experience. The security of Your Personal Info is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your Personal Info, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.

We use MailChimp to manage our newsletter and other email lists. There’s no third-party tracking in messages we send through MailChimp besides MailChimp’s own analytics, which may aggregate how many subscribers open a message or click the links inside. MailChimp’s privacy policy is available at You can unsubscribe from our newsletter by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided at the end of the newsletter. You can also email to update your email address, or to request that we delete your email.

We may collect aggregate usage data from the Services and our website. Depending on your use of the Services, that may include:

Contact us via email — for example, when you ask for support, send us questions or comments, or report a problem, we will collect your name, email address, message, etc. We use this data solely in connection with answering the queries we receive.

Usage data — when you visit our site, we will store: the website from which you visited us, the parts of our site you visit, the date and duration of your visit, your IP address, information from the device (device type, operating system, screen resolution, language, country you are located in, and web browser type) you used during your visit, and more. We process this usage data in Google Analytics for statistical purposes, to improve our site, and to recognize and stop any misuse.

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our Service. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.

You can opt-out of having made your activity on the Service available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. The add-on prevents the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from sharing information with Google Analytics about visits activity. For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page:

Cookies — we use cookies (small data files transferred onto computers or devices by sites) for record-keeping purposes and to enhance functionality on our site. You may deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies by changing the settings of your web browser. Cookies that are already stored may be deleted at any time.

Create an account — when you sign up for and open an account on our site, purchase an item from our store, or sign up for content or offers, we may ask you to provide us with information such as your name, email address, and details about your organization. As otherwise detailed in this Privacy Policy, we will solely process this information to provide you with the service you signed up for.

2. Wanderdot never sells your email address or any other Personal Info you volunteer. We don’t receive payment in cash or in-kind from third parties in exchange for your Personal Info.

3. Wanderdot shares your Personal Info only in specific circumstances. There are a few, rare circumstances when we may have to share your Personal Info either to obey the law or protect our rights. We’ll share your Personal Info only to comply with laws or legally enforceable requests, to enforce our own rights and contracts with users or third parties, or to prevent harm to others and their property in an emergency situation.

In all instances, we’ll share the minimum info necessary to meet the immediate need and inform you of our disclosure when legally and practically possible.

Changes to this policy

We may make small, inconsequential changes to this policy with or without notice to you, so you’re encouraged to review the policy from time to time. Substantive changes to this policy will be emailed to users who subscribe to the Wanderdot newsletter or to those who submit a request to


You can contact us at if you have any questions about this policy.